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There are many reasons why a person would want to study Jyotish. Important ones worth considering are:
- It is an extremely fascinating interdisciplinary subject that encompasses all human experience.
- It challenges the practitioner to refine both the logical and intuitive abilities .
- As a Vedanga, Jyotish teaches us how to use the Vedas.
- The student is exposed to many facets of Vedic philosophy and culture in a way that deeply affects the consciousness by direct experience of realities beyond the limitations of the modern mechanistic world view.
- Such experience greatly reinforces Vaisnava philosophy and the Vedic world view and ultimately increases the practitioner's faith and conviction in Lord Krsna. An example of such experience is found in the article Ashtamangala Deva Prasna.
- Aside from the intellectual stimulation and reinforcement of one's own spiritual convictions Jyotish is also a traditional vocation of the Brahmanas, the priestly intellectual class of men in Lord Krsna's Vedic civilization. A Brahmana who is highly trained in both Vedanta and Jyotish is in a good position to guide people, especially the leaders of society, in both spiritual and mundane matters. Thus, an expert Brahmana astrologer can help to guide society onto a Godly and spiritual path. In Vedic civilization no important decision is implemented without consulting a learned astrologer.
- A Brahmana Astrologer can also help to establish Vedic civilization in places where it is absent via the art of cultural preaching.
We thus see that Jyotish is worth studying because of the personal and social benefits it has to offer.