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Some features and advantages of the Jyotish degree programs offered by the Bhaktivedanta College School of Jyotish:
- With the Bhaktivedanta College Jyotish degree program you get an actual degree which signifies to others serious scholarship, rigorous study and expertise. With the others you get......?
- Pure Vedic astrology not mixed with Western astrology.
- Our teaching faculty are initiated Brahmanas and highly trained Vedic astrologers who have studied with master Vedic astrologers in India for many years.
- At the BVC School of Jyotish our two initial course offerings are each over six hundred pages of material. These are just the first two segments in the Jyotish Vidvan degree program which presently has seven segments. And, the post-graduate degree programs have even more. Thus, the Bhaktivedanta College School of Jyotish offers a real education in Vedic astrology.
- The BVC School of Jyotish degree program is a deep, rigorous, intellectually challenging, and complete program of study at a university level.
- Students are not just taught theory but apprentice under an experienced astrologer and learn all aspects of the vocation and engage in supervised research projects even at the undergraduate level.
- The Bhaktivedanta College astrology program is presented in a holistic manner totally integrated in the Vedic world view. Vedic astrology cannot be isolated from its cultural matrix if it is to be properly understood. Ours stresses the spiritual values of the Vedic tradition and world view along with the sadhanas that help the astrologer increase his intuition and ability to make correct predictions.
Degree Programs at Bhaktivedanta College are designed solely for religious vocations.