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Welcome to the Bhaktivedanta College's database of articles. Here you will find a growing data base of articles in PDF and HTML format (see below) in various Vedic disciplines several of them translated into different languages (Croatian, French, German, and Russian) . If you are interested in submitting an article or paper please read our publication standards before submitting. If you are interested in translating an article into another language please contact us so that we can tell our style sheet preferences.
For information about having your Jyotish articles published please consult the Jyotish publication standards.
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Another option would be to right-click on the link to the PDF file and save it to disk and read it off line. It is the experience of many that PDF files are actually better read off line.
Please note that all articles are copyrighted by the respective authors, in the case that an author is not mentioned then the copyright is with the BVC or one of its Schools. Publishing without permission of the author is prohibited. Database of articles PDF format
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